Sharks And Rays Often Caught As Bycatch In Kudat Manjaji
A dusky shark captured in the Florida Keys during the study comparing circle hooks and J hooks. Stocks is high but catches of sharks and rays may be critical to the economic viability and the socio-economic welfare of the fisher communities Simon et al 2008. 2 379 Likes 14 Comments - Nakawe Project Global nakaweproject on Instagram. Sharks and rays often caught as bycatch in kudat manjaji . Species-specific catch data are not available but Indonesian landings of Rays. Sharks caught in bycatch. 12 million in salaries annually. They are similar in body shape to sharks but are actually a type of ray and they can grow to almost 25 feet in length. Sharks are also often caught as bycatch in longlines trawl nets and seine nets and simply discarded. 971 Likes 21 Comments - Kyle sharkb0nes on Instagram. Sharks are amazing ocean predators and theyre some of the most powerful creatures in the sea. They also suffer from the large and growing demand for shark fins and the gene...