Tuaran To Kudat By Bus
I am arriving at KK International Airport around 10am on a Saturday and would very much like to get to Kudat that day. The route is KK-Tuaran-Kota Belud-Matunggong-Kudat should take about 3hrs-3 12hrs depending on traffic and weather. Traveling In Sabah By Buses Mysabah Com From Ranau you need to get another mini-van to Poring. Tuaran to kudat by bus . It takes an average travel time of 57mins to travel from Tuaran to Kudat given the average speed of 182kmh and the distance of 17321 km 108 miles Travel time by transport mode Tranport. Tip of Borneo Rasa Ria Reserve by Shangri-La Rumah Terbalik and Dalit Bay Golf Country Club. There is also a non-air conditioned bus that leaves KK at 8 am and from Kudat at 130 pm. The other public transport option is the long distance taxis - 100m south of Dreamtel opposite the shell station. The cheapest way to get from Tuaran to Kudat costs only RM 33 and the quickest way takes just 2¼ hours. If you are going to Sipilok Center the center ...