Gong Factory Kudat
Address of Gong Factory Kg. The Village is 92 kilometres or about two hours drive from Kota Kinabalu City. Airplane Ticket Bki Kul Airplane Tickets Kota Kinabalu Sabah 139m Gong Making Kg Sumangkap. Gong factory kudat . Sumangkap Gong Factory hotels and. The gong factory is open daily including public holidays from 830am to 530pm. 53m Matunggong Kudat. Sumangkap Gong Factory hotels for your trip and. Gombizau the Honey Bee Village is where gongs are produced. The deep ringing sounds of handmade gongs resonate through the air as we enter Kampung Sumangkap Gong Making Factory in Kudat Sabah in Borneo Malaysia. Find cheap hotels near Kudat Kg. Gong Factory Kampung Sumangkap July 12 2007. Up to 55 cash back Find popular and cheap hotels near Kg. The village is comprised of a community of families that have been crafting brass gongs in their. 30m Gong Factory Kg. 102m Kg Sumangkap Gong Making Kudat Arts Crafts Store. Tip of Borneo Come to Day 4 in Sab...