Sanudin Hj Tahir And Bab Musta Kudat Formation
Foraminifera from the Kudat Formation foraminifera assemblage and environment of deposition. Tectonostratigraphic terranes of Kudat Peninsula Sabah. 2 Tahir Basir Jasin Baba Musta QE Geology A limestone unit is exposed in Batu Luang exhibited well preserved larger benthic foraminifera. Sanudin hj tahir and bab musta kudat formation . Tjia Smaller benthic foraminifera Analysis of Kudat Formation Kudat Sabah. The Kudat Formation comprise thick-bedded quartzose to feldspathic locally calcareous sandstone an overall abundance of lignitic and carbonaceous layers and the presence of red shales and detrital calcarenites. The Intact Rock Strength IRS of slope forming rock material of the heterogeneous Crocker Formation has been determined using Lithological Unit Thickness. Tahir Baba Musta Shariff A. Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Universiti Malaysia Sabah telah dihantar. Small benthic foraminifera have been fully extracted from the mudstone of Kudat Formation Kudat Sabah. 12...