Bus Kudat Kota Kinabalu
Hello I would like to know a couple of things to travel on road from Kudat to KK. I believe the larger intercity bus leaves before that. Traveling In Sabah By Buses Mysabah Com The total CO2 Emission for your Kota Kinabalu - Kudat bus trip is 649 kg. Bus kudat kota kinabalu . Larger buses arrive and depart close to Milimewa supermarket. Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman near the Hotel Shangri-La and further along the road near the Padang Merdeka independence stadium and at the nearby Dreamtel Hotel. Bus or shared taxi. My flight from kk is by 300 PM. Hes a bit of legend out there at the Tip of Borneo and can hook you up any which way. I am arriving at KK International Airport around 10am on a Saturday and would very much like to get to Kudat that day. I believe the larger intercity bus leaves before that. Am planning to travel either by bus or shared taxi from Kudat. Is there a direct bus between Kota Kinabalu and Kudat. Salam Bumimas Bus departs twice daily at 09...