Kota Kinabalu To Kudat Bus
Check out 1 reviews and photos of Viators Kudat Peninsula Day Trip to Tip of Borneo from Kota Kinabalu 9cdac596. However it doesnt always go. Adventurous Kota Kinabalu Taking A Bus And Minibus Van Youtube Are there any buses leaving in the middle of the day for Kudat. Kota kinabalu to kudat bus . Answer 11 of 12. Yes there is a direct bus departing from Kota Kinabalu Bas Bandaran and arriving at Kudat. There are other Outbound stops within KK at. Services depart once daily and operate every day. Then early in the morning make a trekking in the park for 1-2 h then move to do conopy walk and see botanical gardens for 2-3 h. Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman near the Hotel Shangri-La and further along the road near the Padang Merdeka independence stadium and at the nearby Dreamtel Hotel. If you are going south of Kota Kinabalu Papar Beaufort Tenom Keningau Tambunan and others go to the terminal near Bandaran Berjaya that provides intercity services. I believe the larger inter...