Tip Of Borneo Kudat Lighthouse
Situated only 3 hours from Kota Kinabalu Kudat is the perfect getaway for adventurers and nature lovers to escape from the hustle and bustle of KK city life. Populated mainly by the Rungus ethnic people of Sabah Kudat is poised at the northernmost tip of Borneo where one is able to literally be in two places at once as the South China Sea and Sulu Sea clash waves at Simpang Mengayau Tip of Borneo. Kudat Trawlers Coming Home In A North Easterly Gail Passing The Lighthouse At Palau Island Kalumpian Tip Of Borneo Oil On Ca Borneo Kudat Coming Home There is a very good recreation diving in front of Tajau laut or Tip of borneo headland and near the lighthouse island. Tip of borneo kudat lighthouse . To the left is the glorious sweep of Kalampunian beach while shallower tidal beaches run. It is located in the Kudat Peninsular about three and a half hours or 215 kilometres drive from Kota Kinabalu City. Facilities at the Tip of Borneo. This place was discovered in the recent year...